The Automated Heat Stress System
The Automated Heat Stress System (AHSS) is a highly accurate environment monitoring system, providing continuous, on-line measurements of four critical variables:
Importance of Heat Stress
Heat stress is the elevated quantity of heat stored in the body due to a combination of internal temperature, environment, clothing, and equipment. Heat stress directly and indirectly lead to injuries in the workplace, such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, cramps, rashes, and other conditions. If symptoms are ignored, they could lead to permanent damage to the body's temperature-regulation system or even death.
While heat stress can and does affect anyone in the right situation, it is extremely important to monitor environments and conditions that put workers at an increased risk for developing heat-related illnesses. For example, firefighters are at risk for heat stress due to the nature of their jobs. Military personnel carrying out training exercises in the summer are also susceptible to heat-related injuries due to the hot weather, the physical strain on their bodies, and the amount of equipment they are expected to carry. For this reason, heat stress mindfulness and/or monitoring is critical to preventing serious injuries or death. |
Recent Statistics on Heat Stress Injuries Among US Armed Forces.
Flag Color Definitions
The table below shows the heat stress flag colors as defined by the Manual of Naval Preventive Medicine (NAVMED P-5010-3). Note that these definitions are for a designated area or environment; wearing heavy clothing or equipment can alter the WGBT Index a person is actually experiencing.
(Source: NAVMED P-5010-3,
Our History With Heat Stress Monitoring
Deban Enterprises, Inc., started work with heat stress back in 1998. With other 20 years of experience, we have over 3000 automated systems currently operating in the field, with AHSS Shore Units at over 50 locations worldwide.
Currently, our AHSS units are used for safety monitoring in hot and humid locations on US Navy ships, US Navy and Marine Corps bases, and more. While most of our work is with the US military, our products are versatile enough to be used anywhere with hot and humid conditions, including but not limited to:
AHSS Shore Unit in the field (2002).
Additional References
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